Saturday, December 3, 2011

Class Act

      The movie has suddenly become very intriguing because we have watched the Godfather get shot and Michael become apart of the Mafia.  This was interesting because it never seemed like Michael would ever become apart of the family business.  It seems like he is only working as apart of the Mafia to protect his father.

      In class, we discussed how Michael is crossing the First Threshold of the Hero’s Journey.  Michael Corleone has changed a lot since his father was almost killed, at least enough for him to become involved with crime.  As we know, he never had anything to do with the family business and now he is becoming involved and interested in crime, only to protect his father. He is stepping out of his comfort zone and starting to become apart of the Mafia.  In my opinion, the camera has been fixated on Michael a lot, almost indicating that he is either going to be the next Godfather or something exciting is going to happen to him.  We discussed how everything Michael says or does, always ends up being right whereas everything Sonny does is always wrong.  It is ironic how Sonny thinks he is going to be the next Godfather but the movie keeps hinting that Michael is next in line, even though he himself hasn’t thought about it. 

     Another aspect that we discussed in class was how much power the Godfather upholds.  Don was shot five times but he still survived.  This was really empowering because it is very unlikely for someone to survive something so harsh such as this.  In class, we related Don Corleone to Jesus because Jesus was hit five times and was supposed to die, but he did not.  It was very empowering to watch and reflect on that scene in particular because it Don Corleone is shown to be just as powerful as the Christian God.  Though, this could have been a Christ figure because it did occurr during Christmas time. 

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