Monday, December 12, 2011

The Symbols of Oranges

     Throughout the movie, oranges have been used as a great extent.  Due to the fact that they have been used more than once, means that the colour orange most likely has a meaning or specific purpose for being used.  Coppola seemed to use the colour orange throughout scenes that involved death. The light was usually shown before someone was killed and it was a good indication to let us know that something was going to happen.  Once we caught on to the fact that the colour orange was a symbol of death, it became easier to depict what could happen. There could be something else that the colour orange represents however, the only example which we have come across is death.

      The first time that the colour orange was used was in scene where the Don had been shot.  He was going to the super market and he had purchased oranges.  This became a sign, because every time that death occurred, there was orange colour included.  An example was with the death of Luca Brasi.  He had gone to spy the Tattaglias however they killed him because they knew he had been sent by the Corleone family.  When Luca entered the restaurant, there was an orange colour and when he encountered the Tattaglias, they killed him right away.

     There was an example which really stood out to me, when the colour orange was used.  This was during the scene where the Corleone family had planned for Michael to kill Solozzo.  The unique aspect about this scene is that the backgorund light behind Michael was orange.  It was weird because we were aware that someone was going to be killed that night; we at least knew that this was the plan from previous scenes in the movie.  This scene stood out to me because even though we already knew that someone was going to be killed in thsi part of the movie, the colour orange was still used.  In the past Coppola had only used the colour orange to indicate that death was going to take place however, it's weird because we already knew that Solozzo and McCluskey were going to be killed by Michael.

     Orange is a very interesting symbol used by Coppola to represent death as he portrays this indirectly.  Ideally, death isn't represented by the colour orange; it's represented by something of a more darker colour.  Orange is a very bright colour and seems like it would only portray good events that occur.  Maybe Coppola was trying to indirectly tell us that death was approaching the character in the scene.  He didn't want to give away anything or make anything obvious which could be one of the reasons why he used the colour orange.  By incorporating this symbol, it makes it easier to investigate into reasons why the colour orange was used.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Who is Michael

     Since Michael killed Sollozo and McCluskey, he has totally changed as a person.  He seems to have gained more power and this is evident because Michael's values, beliefs and ethics are very different from what they used to be.  He was never interested in crime, but now he is and he also seemed like someone who would never do anything to hurt anyone else.  After Michael killed the two men, he left his family and ventured off to the town, Corleone.  There, he met dated and married a girl named Apollonia.  As we know, Michael is still actually in a relationship with Kay.  The last time Michael was with Kay he said, "you may never see me again."  Looking back on that scene, it was never clear whether he broke up with her or not and maybe Coppolla did this indirectly so that the audience could figure it out for themselves. In the beginning of this film, it never seemed like Michael would do anything behind Kay's back. Also, it was clear that the family business was never interesting to Michael; it never appealed to him because he wasn't okay with crime and he didn't like it.  Michael was the most kind-hearted person of the family and suddenly he has become this powerful, and different individual.  I still think he only became interested in crime to protect his father however, he continues to follow this path.

     One scene that really stood out to me when watching the Godfather was when they brought Don Corelone home from the hospital, the first words that came out of his mouth were, "where is Michael?"  When the Tom told his father where Michael was, Don began to cry.  Now, this scene was important to me because maybe the Don valued the fact that Michael was so moral and maybe he liked that Michael was different than everyone else.  However, Michael could have changed to fit in with the family and to be honored by his father.  Perhaps, Michael wanted to be more like Don as the way he acts portrays this idea.  The scene where Michael had gone to visit his father in the hospital could lead to the person he is now.  There was one key thing that Michael said that night; he said, “I’m with you now.”  When Michael said this, the Don began to cry and smile, but it’s hard to tell whether Michael was indicating that he would be there to protect his dad, or if he was going to become apart of the Mafia. 
    In conclusion, Michael Corleone has portrayed many characteristics which show how he could be the next Don.  His actions show and give signs that he could be the next Godfather however, he never talks about or indicates that he wants this to happen.  Though Michael did change from the person he was in the beginning of the film, maybe he did this because he knows that he is next line and maybe he knew that it was time for him to represent his family.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How are Doors symbolic throughout the movie? How do they create suspense?

     Throughout the film, there have been many scenes involving doors or doorways.  The fact that Coppola keeps incorporating doors into the film, means that there is an symbolic importance behind it.  There have been scenes in which the audience (people watching the film), are caught looking at a doorway with someone standing inside of it.  Coppola demonstrates the symbols of doors throughout this film because everything seems to be happening in a doorway; whether the action happening in the doorway is good or bad.  The doorway also seems to symbolize a new beginning to a part of life because it could represent how the person in that scene is going to venture off into a new part of their life or how they are going to go somewhere farther.  A very important example of this is how the doors could be used to show Michael entering a new part of his life. The door symbolizes Michael crossing the threshold which a new part to his life.  When you cross a threshold, it means you are attempting at something new in your life and stepping pushing away your fears.This symbolic figure shows how Michael is coming out of his comfort zone to begin something new only to protect his father. A door is an entrance but also an exist and in and inside but also an outside to something.  One could look at it this way by acknowledging the fact that when Michael is outside of the door, he is an outsider but when he is inside the door, he is more involved and apart of the family.  He stepped inside by choice only to protect his father.

     Doorways create suspense because we can see everything that’s happening in front of the camera, but nothing beyond or behind it;  it also seems that doors indicate something bad is going to happen.  Whenever a doorway is shown with someone inside with the camera angle zooming onto the character, it creates a lot of suspense as it seems almost as if someone is coming into the room.  When the camera is fixated like this, we aren’t able to see what is coming towards the character during that scene which is why it becomes suspenseful.  An example of doors creating suspense in the film was shown in the scene where Brasi was getting ready for his encounter with the Tattalgia family. The way he was being filmed seemed like something suspenseful was going to happen; like something was going to occur at that moment.  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Class Act

      The movie has suddenly become very intriguing because we have watched the Godfather get shot and Michael become apart of the Mafia.  This was interesting because it never seemed like Michael would ever become apart of the family business.  It seems like he is only working as apart of the Mafia to protect his father.

      In class, we discussed how Michael is crossing the First Threshold of the Hero’s Journey.  Michael Corleone has changed a lot since his father was almost killed, at least enough for him to become involved with crime.  As we know, he never had anything to do with the family business and now he is becoming involved and interested in crime, only to protect his father. He is stepping out of his comfort zone and starting to become apart of the Mafia.  In my opinion, the camera has been fixated on Michael a lot, almost indicating that he is either going to be the next Godfather or something exciting is going to happen to him.  We discussed how everything Michael says or does, always ends up being right whereas everything Sonny does is always wrong.  It is ironic how Sonny thinks he is going to be the next Godfather but the movie keeps hinting that Michael is next in line, even though he himself hasn’t thought about it. 

     Another aspect that we discussed in class was how much power the Godfather upholds.  Don was shot five times but he still survived.  This was really empowering because it is very unlikely for someone to survive something so harsh such as this.  In class, we related Don Corleone to Jesus because Jesus was hit five times and was supposed to die, but he did not.  It was very empowering to watch and reflect on that scene in particular because it Don Corleone is shown to be just as powerful as the Christian God.  Though, this could have been a Christ figure because it did occurr during Christmas time.